5 Reasons Why Assessment is a Must for Pest Control

July, 13, 2023

5 Reasons Why Assessment is a Must for Pest Control

As pests continue to be a threat to our homes, businesses, and crops, pest control measures have become increasingly prevalent. One essential aspect of pest control is assessment. 

An assessment is a process of evaluating the extent of pest infestation, identifying the pest species, and determining the best methods to control them. In this article, we will discuss five reasons why assessment is a must for pest control.

1. Identification of the Pest Species

Not all pests are the same, and different pests require different control methods. Identifying the pest species is crucial in determining the appropriate control measures to use. 

For instance, if you have a bed bug infestation, you need to use specialized treatments such as heat treatment or pesticide application. On the other hand, if you have a rodent infestation, you need to use methods such as trapping or baiting. An assessment will help you identify the pest species, enabling you to choose the most effective control measures.

2. Determination of the Extent of Infestation

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Assessment helps in determining the extent of pest infestation, which is crucial in determining the appropriate control measures. For instance, if you have a small infestation of rodents, you can use trapping or baiting to control them. 

However, if you have a large infestation, you may need to use more aggressive measures such as fumigation. An assessment will help you determine the extent of infestation, enabling you to choose the most appropriate control measures.

3. Prevention of Future Infestations

Assessment is not only crucial in controlling existing infestations but also in preventing future infestations. An assessment will help you identify conditions that may attract pests, such as standing water, food sources, or clutter. By addressing these conditions, you can prevent future infestations from occurring. 

For instance, if you have a cockroach infestation, an assessment may reveal standing water in your kitchen, attracting the cockroaches. By fixing the leak, you can prevent future infestations from occurring.

4. Cost Effectiveness

Assessment is a cost-effective way of controlling pests. By identifying the pest species and the extent of infestation, you can choose the most appropriate control measures, which can save you money in the long run. 

For instance, if you have a small infestation of rodents, you can use trapping or baiting, which is cheaper than fumigation. On the other hand, if you use the wrong control measures, you may end up spending more money without achieving the desired results.

5. Safety

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Assessment is crucial in ensuring the safety of your family, pets, and the environment. Different pest control methods have different levels of toxicity, and using the wrong control measures can be hazardous. 

Using pesticides without proper precautions can lead to health problems, environmental pollution, and even death. An assessment will help you choose the most appropriate and safe control measures, ensuring the safety of your family, pets, and the environment.


Assessment is a must for pest control. It helps in identifying the pest species, determining the extent of infestation, preventing future infestations, cost-effectiveness and safety. If you have a pest infestation, it is advisable to seek the services of a professional pest control company to conduct an assessment and provide you with the most appropriate control measures.

Conquest Pest Services is your ideal partner for 24-hour pest control in Houston. Protect your family, pets, and property with our fast and efficient pest control services. Don’t let pests take over your home or business, get in touch with us today to experience a pest-free environment.

Categories: Common Pest

Time to Plan Pest Destruction

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